Recently I needed to build mesa on my OrangePi One Plus to get the most out of the current Panfrost support. However the building always failed because the board locked itself up. Some research showed that it most likely ran out of memory.
A bit later I tried building VeraCrypt on a NanoPi Neo3 and after a while run into the same issue.
Armbian does ship zram with each board to get help get around the memory lacking a bit. However in these cases it simply was not enough.
Sending a message to a webmaster with his public key… The idea behind this I actually got from an April fools released by c&t magazine. To cut a long story short they claimed that weak GDPR phrasing could be a reason that common letter post might need to be properly encrypted. They even provided a tool that extracts a websites public key use it to encrypt a provided message.
You can find the article (in German) here and the tool here.
Anyway. I was thinking how I could use this to send webmasters encrypted messages when they do not offer public keys emailing. And for some reason I do not was to ask them for keys. Maybe because I am incredibly clever and shy at the same time … never mind.
Some basics
To get a basic understanding how symmetric and asymmetric encryption - to say the relationship between public and private keys - works just watch this video. I started adding captions in English. Hopefully they will be released into the wild soon.
THX @dunkelmunkel Feel free to watch more of his videos 😉
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