Making my favorite loaf of bread

Totally different story today. For those who follow me around on Twitter already know that I enjoy making my own bread. And at this point I would like to share my favorite recipe. It has a nice thicc crust around and is very soft inside.
Credit goes to a YouTube video from which I adopted the basis and made my own adjustments to it.
I will provide the ingredients and measurements for both US and Europe (Austria/Germany).
So no further wasting of time, let’s get started!
For the spice mixture you need
- 1 tbsp cilantro/Koriander
- 1 tbsp caraway/Kümmel
- 1 tbsp fennel/Fenchel
- 2 or 3 star anise/Sternanis
If possible use whole seeds instead of pre-powdered spice and grind it yourself. In terms of taste this makes quite a difference. My grinder. Also provides a nice workout 😄
Also find a big bowl, give it a good oiling and put it aside for now. We will need it later for the dough to rest.
- 500g or 17.5oz of pastry flour / Mehl Type W480/405
- two tablespoons of our homemade spice mixture from above
- one tablespoon of brown sugar
- one tablespoon of sea salt
- three tablespoons of balsamic vinegar paste
- 150ml or 5 fl oz of any beer (at least choose something that is not ultra-cheap)
- 170ml or 5¾ fl oz warm water
- One block (42g or 1.5oz) fresh yeast (granulated yeast did not work for me)

I use this stuff as Balsamico vinegar replacement
Putting things together
Except the yeast put everything together and start mixing for a few seconds. Crumble up the block of yeast and add it. Knead everything to an even dough.
If it is only slightly sticky after a few minutes it is good. If not adjust the consistency by adding additional water or flour.
Take the dough and roll it up so you have a nice clean surface on one side and the fissure on the other. Put it into the oiled bowl, turn it so it is oiled from all sides and leave it with the pretty side facing down in the bowl. Put a kitchen towel over and let it rest for one to two hours.

Well oiled dough waiting to rise
Oven time!
Fill some water in a oven-safe container like a pot or casserole and put it into the oven on the bottom. This will help to form a nice crispy crust.
Tip: The smaller the water container the darker and crispier the crust will get.
Preheat the oven it to to 250°C or 482°F on upper and lower heat.

Yes, I have to clean my oven somewhen in the future…
The goal now is to mess with the dough as little as possible. What I usually do to move it is putting the baking tray with baking paper upside down on the bowl and then turn everything around fast so the dough can fall on the tray.
If you want your bread to have some fancy pattern on now is the chance. Grab a sharp knife or razor. Send me pictures of yours 😃

Do not mess with the risen dough or the pores will be lost. And no fancy pattern this time.
Once the oven is heated put it in.

Half time
After 25 minutes remove the water container, lower the heat to 200°C/400°F and turn on air circulation.
Leave it for another 15 minutes.
This one I made earlier. Small water pot = dark crust. This is the most recent one done. Brighter, very fluffy.
Let me know what you think.