Pushed a small fix to the Nextcloud NGINX config.proxy_pass
should be http
instead of https
Snipboard.io selfhosted alternative
I really do enjoy the service of snipboard.io. It is straight forward, very easy and convenient to use and independent from operating system. Unfortunately it is closed source and I really wanted to have something similar as a self-hosted service.
The closest I could come up with to get something like or even more convenient was a combination of xbackbone on server-side and Shutter as client tool.
Continue readingRunning Nextcloud behind NGINX reverse proxy

tl;dr: Was bored and setup a Nextcloud instance behind a NGINX proxy and since I had some trouble to get it running properly I simply share my configs here. Maybe this helps somebody else.
My two main goals were forwarding client real IP addresses to Nextcloud and getting rid of NC’s warnings about running behind reverse proxy.
Nextcloud itself runs on a LAMP stack inside Ubuntu 22.04 LXC container. The reverse proxy is provided by NGINX running on the host machine which is also powered by Ubuntu 22.04.
Continue readingA visit at the Flugzeugmuseum Oberschleißheim
A few weeks ago with some friends I visited the Flugzeugmuseum in Oberschleißheim (Germany).
Without many further words enjoy the pictures from the gallery :-).
The last three pictures were not taken at the museum but at the Munich airport.
I do have most of these pictures in higher resolution too. Let me know if you would like to have one.
Continue readingAll Twitter references in articles have been removed since I am up to get rid of Twitter once and for all.
Just ordered a Lenovo Yoga Slim 7. Looking forward to receiving it.
Some stuff running Linux on it I researched so far:
Making my favorite loaf of bread

Totally different story today. For those who follow me around on Twitter already know that I enjoy making my own bread. And at this point I would like to share my favorite recipe. It has a nice thicc crust around and is very soft inside.
Credit goes to a YouTube video from which I adopted the basis and made my own adjustments to it.
I will provide the ingredients and measurements for both US and Europe (Austria/Germany).
So no further wasting of time, let’s get started!
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